Wednesday, January 16, 2008


While ignorance might be bliss, it is the sole fault of every single human being on this planet. Why is mankind so stupid, oblivious, and they don't even care???? All anyone cares about is what is right in front of them, in their tiny little box they call reality. Then they label their box whatever they want, like "loves innocence." or "open-minded". PAH-LEASE! Since when has "open-minded" gotten so... closed. Even the most open-minded people refuse to accept someone who might be a little bit different. My BROTHER is different. And I don't think I've ever seen anyone really accept him. Sure, people pity him, people pretend to be nice to him. The irony of it is that people like him are the most accepting, the most caring, they are the people that really GET it. They GET what is really important. What do we know?Ignorance: lack of knowledge, education, or awareness.Mankind is ignorant. Whether we want to be or not. It was ignorance that brought Eve to eat the apple, ignorance that convinced Adam to as well. And it has always been ignorance. We are completely ignorant when it comes to God. We lack the knowledge, the education, AND the awareness of God. Christians walk around all the time saying how they "know God." Really, they are the most ignorant of all. Can anyone really "know" God? Sure you can have a relationship with him. But no one can know or understand God. And who are Christians to be walking around like they are better than everyone else because they supposedly "know" God. But, the even sadder thing is that we aren't even aware of God. Christians can't even see God in the littlest things, how are we supposed to show God to everyone else? Ask me whats wrong with this world...Ignorance.

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